I developed two research students groups and coordinated the two educational projects of the Erasmus Program. I am the founder and first president of Technotalents Foundation. Actually, I am the vice president at the Top 500 Innovators Association in Poland. I cooperate with universities, incubators, startups and investment funds as a trainer, business coach, mentor and technology broker in the area of R & D projects and academic entrepreneurship. I received the prestigious EduInspiratora title, awarded by the National Agency of the Erasmus Program in Poland in 2016. I am also the founder and CEO of technology startup that develops a unique technology in the field of image processing methods of artificial intelligence. I’m also European Commission expert of Horizon 2020, the SME instrument Programme.
Since 2014, he has been managing international educational projects, which are primarily aimed at developing, testing and implementing effective teaching methods, as well as building entrepreneurial competences among young people. During the classes, both at the level of studies and high school, he focuses on developing soft skills such as leadership, team building, public speaking, and above all, he tries to stimulate creativity among young people. Outside the university, he has conducted over 200 hours of training, classes, workshops, mentoring and coaching sessions in the field of Business Development and R&D. He helped build four project consortia and three research teams. He obtained over PLN 3 million in total for the development of his startup, including funds from the SME Instrument Horizon 2020 program. He is happy to share his experience with people who want to start their own business.
I have been active in the venture capital market for several years now. I completed more than ten investment processes including exits to industry investors. I source innovative solutions and start-ups, follow trends, technologies and make investments. I cooperate with Polish universities in the scope of commercialising scientific solutions. I evidence in practice, that it is possible to make money on science. Previously, I co-created the InQbator and a seed fund at the Poznan Science and Technology Park. I am a manager of programmes for supporting entrepreneurship, including Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, “Idea for Business”, which received an award from the Ministry of Regional Development in 2009 for the Best Investment in a Human. I am a graduate of the Top 500 Innovators programme at Stanford University as well as Master’s studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Faculty of Political Science, majoring in European Administration.
I am an experienced teacher and trainer. I conduct classes related to entrepreneurship, programming, web application development, artificial intelligence and algorithms. During the classes, I put emphasis on building entrepreneurial competences among young people, both at the level of studies and high school, focusing on development of soft competences, including aspects of preparing and delivering presentations, leadership and creating teams. Over the past 5 years I have conducted dozens of different trainings on the use of modern tools in education with a special focus on the Photon educational robot. I am a co-founder of four companies: Photon Entertainment, RiftCat, Anima and MakeIT. I supported the development of my companies by active raising funds of over 15 million PLN from private and public sources. As part of my expert and investment activities, I co-decided to allocate funds for the development of innovative projects in the total amount exceeding 150 million PLN.
A web designer, webmaseter and administrator of numerous websites, and the person responsible for optimization and search engine optimization of websites. Originator, co-creator and programmatic and methodological administrator of the Didactic Platform of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty E-learning Platform, which facilitates the didactic process at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Bialystok University of Technology. An expert court witness since 2016 in the specialty of information science, including valuation of hardware, computer software, applications and websites, as well as hardware and software audits. During the years 2017 – 2019, Rector’s representative for websites of the Bialystok University of Technology. Manager of the Websites Department of the Bialystok University of Technology since 2020. Co-creator, webmaster and administrator of over 40 websites of the Bialystok University of Technology.
Owner of a company concerned with creating websites and web applications since 2005. Web developer and webmaster of numerous websites. Graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science at Bialystok University of Technology with a major in information science. In 2018 – 2019, additionally employed as a web developer and administrator of websites at the Information Science Center of Bialystok University of Technology. Employed as web developer and administrator of the Websites Department of Bialystok University of Technology since 2020. Participated in developing dozens of websites for units and faculties of the Bialystok University of Technology. Developer of the Central Contracts Registry of the Bialystok University of Technology and of a CRM system developed for the purposes of the Promotion Department of Bialystok University of Technology.